is a site focused on DJs, authors and their fans. We welcome
correspondence, whether you want to announce a new album or book, have
news that would interest our readers, or just want to say hello.
Press releases, submissions, and questions about WORD’N’BASS.com
content should be sent to editor (at) wordnbass (dot) com.
DJs: If you have a promotional mix you’d like
WORD’N’BASS.com to consider running as an Audio feature, you can send
online links and MP3s via e-mail. If you have a CD, please e-mail us
for the appropriate mailing address. Submissions should include the
artist’s name, date of the mix, and a digital photo. Contact
information is also appreciated.
Record labels: We review drum ‘n’ bass, trance, house
music, and downtempo electronica. Please include the artist’s
biography, their album’s cover image, and its release date.
Promoters: Contact us to have your party listed in our
Events section, announce your DJ’s tour, special events, or other news
and gossip.
Book publishers and publicists: We review literary
fiction, especially Bad Boy literature (and Bad Girl), ethnic fiction,
young authors (under 40), and any fiction that is considered “edgy.”
Please e-mail us for the mailing address to submit your author’s novel.
Submissions should include a standard media kit.
Agents and authors: We cover news involving book industry
participants such as publishing deals, agency developments, author book
tours, and other stories and gossip.
Contact BPM Smith: To book BPM Smith at your party, sign
him to your record label, close a six-figure book deal, donate a Baja
beach house, or simply say what’s up, e-mail him at smith (at) wordnbass (dot) com.
Note: We have disabled
the automatic mail links on this page due to excessive spam, so please
excuse the inconvenience.
Spammers: We do not want any of your
stupid products and have registered these e-mail addresses with the
Federal Trade Commission's National Do Not Call Registry. Spamming us
is a violation of federal law and you will be punished by the 800 lb.
WORD'N'BASS.com goon, who has a Louisville Slugger and sixth grade
reading level.