News & Reviews
All the author and DJ buzz that’s unfit to publish!
By BPM Smith
Replace "hilarious romp" with "tepid humor" and you’ve got the latest
post dot-com gimmick posing as a novel. Also, San Francisco is known
for its vibrant DJ scene but one local Drum & Bass spinmeister just
graduated to producer status. Plus, blind mentions and the tale of a
naked DJ, Russian sexpot, and balls. That’s right, it’s the latest .45
When debut novel becomes last
Back in the dot-com era you could start a website, generate a bit of
traffic and cash out with some good old venture capital. Since
"dot-bomb" passed as a catch phrase for a minute, the VC has run out
but the gimmicks keep rolling in. Karyn
Bosnak launched a site with a useless purpose - panhandle
strangers to help pay off her credit card debt - and soon the
publishing vultures came knocking.
Sure, you could argue that a nonfiction book by the same title as her
Save Karyn domain is a guaranteed seller. But does that mean she knows
how to write? Harper Paperbacks thinks her debut novel 20 Times a Lady is a "hilarious
romp." Either that, or they figured her schtick is good enough to
circumvent a storyline "hobbled by limp humor, razor-thin characters
and phoned-in prose."
Not everyone in Hollywood is
drunk at Cabana Club!
One writer who earned his accolades by learning the craft is Wesley Strick.
While chatting about his Hollywood novel Out There in the Dark, we soon
realized that relevant life experience + a decade spent banging the
keyboard = damn good fiction. Just months after finishing a national
book tour, Strick tells us his sophomore novel Wise Child is done and "just now
going out to publishers." Literary agent Richard Abate at ICM is handling
Wise Child. Give him a holla!
Six months have now passed since Out There launched and Strick is still
drumming up publicity for it, doing Elvis
Mitchell's public radio show, The
Treatment, in a 30-minute interview last week that was broadcast
from New York City to Los Angeles. Strick meanwhile wrote the pilot for
David Cronenberg film Dead Ringers that’s now getting
pitched to TV networks as a series.
Bringing the menace to Drum
& Bass!
Just because you’re a San Francisco Drum & Bass DJ doesn’t
mean you’re going to launch an album here. We hear Gridlock
celebrated the launch of his Project 51 album Break The System P51UK10 last Friday
(July 14) by flying to Los
Angeles, where he performed at the regular Muse party at The Stock
Exchange Nightclub. The 12-inch vinyl release features Dom & Gridlok’s track Hooked, described as "a menacing
exercise in determining exactly how far sound can be pushed before it
becomes dangerously impactful." Gridlock remixes a Controlled Substance track on the B
side. You know this one’s getting tested on our decks ASAP.
Q not A!
What Bay Area DJ never forgets to inhale? He caused quite a
thunder when he spent more time rolling a joint and puffing
than spinning records during a recent set. When venue officials asked
him to take it outside he threw a fit and refused to stop puffing.
Since it is legal, everyone
California now has medical needs, right? What literary/film agency VP
dumped a glass of vodka in a reporter’s face after reading a negative
article about himself? Seems he’s not in the least worried about
"positive mentions," because when later asked about the incident he
called the reporter a "piece of shit."
DJ brings extra balls to
Yes, we’ve heard all about the hard partying Trance music scene in
Holland. The Dutch guy who shot up Demerol in our shuttle ride to JFK
Airport convinced us of that. But DJ Sander
Lantinga must’ve smoked something pretty wicked during the
recent Wimbledon tennis tournament. That, or perhaps he just got
mesmerized by Russian beauties Maria
Sharapova and Elena Dementieva.
Sitting two rows back during their quarter final match, Lantinga
whipped off an outfit held together with Velcro, ran in front of
Sharapova and did a naked cartwheel. He was arrested for indecent
exposure but later released with a caution. Lantinga hosts a radio show
Lantinga & Swijnenberg
with Dutch station 3FM/BNN that features Trance, House and other beats.
Forget writing, let’s play poker!
While we expected 2005 World Series of Poker champion Joe Hachem to bag a boatload of
endorsements, TV appearances and a book deal by now -- his major goals
after signing with talent agency William Morris -- he’s finally playing
strong enough poker to try and defend his title. He placed second in a
WSOP No Limit Hold ‘Em event two weeks ago, echoing his form last year
when he bagged $7.5 million for winning the WSOP Main Event as a
After Hachem brushed off some poker scene uberagents in hopes that the
NYC-based talent agency would push him into the mainstream, his biggest
endorsement was signing as a spokesman for website PokerStars. As for
the poker book he was supposedly working on? Toast like a tilted Phil Hellmuth! Who by the way, has
authored not one, but two books from HarperCollins: Play Poker like the Pros and Bad Beats and Lucky Draws.
The 2006
WSOP Main Event, where the first place prize has been bumped up to
$13.4 million, starts July 28. And, you guessed it, we are still scheming
ways to try and enter this thing.
.45 is a column from
WORD’N’BASS.com Editor BPM Smith,
who loves heavy bass, Shannon Elizabeth, and winning the World Series
of Poker. He is a financial reporter for a global news wire, Drum &
Bass DJ, and author of 1.75 "gritty and engaging" novels. E-mail him
your comments, gossip or shout-outs at editor
(at) wordnbass (dot) com
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