News & Reviews
Behrouz spins a set of 'Pure' addictive House beats
Review by BPM Smith
Every year a DJ will spin a mixed album that is so smoothly compiled
with head bobbing tracks that it remains fresh despite getting constant
play in my car stereo. San Francisco DJ/producer Behrouz has compiled just such an
album in "Pure Behrouz NYC" that Nervous Records recently launched in
stores across the USA.
Behrouz Nazari (pictured left),
based in San Francisco but effectively a citizen of the world at this
point in his globe-trotting career, is known for his Pure Behrouz club
nights that run the gamut of club music’s history. His seamless mixing
of old classics with the latest buzz tracks has him in constant demand,
and he has ridden the momentum to club venues in virtually all
In the two-disc Pure Behrouz NYC, he has created two moods that are
perfectly suitable for city dwellers driving to the club, as well as an
evening of pre-partying or a night spent enjoying music at home.
The first disc opens with ambient House classics from The King Street Crew, Code 718 and Soul Boy. As the BPMs build, Behrouz
counters the rising speed with organic string instruments -- more often
associated with Classical music than House -- with Studio Apartment featuring Ron Carroll in "I'm In Love" that
flows seamlessly into Kalim Shabazz's
"Peak Bomb."
Behrouz’s own productions "Rich In Paradise" (Instrumental Mix) and
"Time Travel" give the set a solid backbone for listeners who favor
smooth bass licks with minimal vocals to distract from the rhythm,
before he closes the disc out with "Siempre" (Jimpster Remix) by Navarro. Even where tracks include
vocals, the beats always prevail over singing. Nick Holder’s "Time" that bridges
into Behrouz’s "Rich In Paradise" instrumental is a good example of
this aesthetic, as the chorus includes only a repetitive four-word
Disc two opens with Shara Nelson's
understated vocals rounding out a Nu
Frequency track that morphs into the complex "Hyper Space" by DJ Pippi vs. Willie Graff, a slower
dreamscape that gradually ramps up to 135 or so BPM. These first three
tracks are stretched into a good 20 minutes that left me in a near
hypnotic state even after listening to the disc a dozen times.
Behrouz's pacing and beat matching here sets up listeners for disc
two's more danceable remaining 14 tracks, starting with Joris Voorn’s "Blank" and blasting
through the multi-layered beats of talented producers from Nick Chacona to Rollo, Alex Niri and Friendly People's "Music Improper."
I don't know what exactly Martin
Buttrich did when he remixed Improper, other than draw me into
some type of Dreamland in which I could not stop nodding my head.
The album closes out with Aril Brikha,
whose "Kept Within" is one of two Techno tracks showcasing Behrouz's
seemingly effortless ability to merge disparate genres of electronic
music. If you buy only one House or Techno album during the holiday
season pick up Pure Behrouz NYC, which is among the most pleasurable
listening experiences of 2008.
Scale: 5 stars: Incredible!...
4 stars: Excellent... 3 stars: Good... 2 stars: Mediocre... 1 star:
Rating: 5 stars
The Bass Test: Every
album faces a severe test in BPM Smith’s car stereo, which regularly
wins bass wars vs. the hip hop loving homeboys of Oakland, California.
Pure Behrouz NYC has consistently midlevel basslines from beginning to
end of this encylopedia of club music. Unlike some of the rumbling bass
of his peers who can make your rear view mirror vibrate, Behrouz’s
approach is one of symmetry. While you won’t win any bass wars with
this album, its remarkably steady levels over a whopping 34 tracks
helps guide listeners into a trancelike state, so his intended effect
is a success.
Bass Score: 9
BPM Smith
is a Drum & Bass
DJ, novelist and editor of WORD'N'BASS.com. His eyes are currently
bleary from a week spent playing poker tournaments in Vegas. You can
contact him by e-mail at editor(at)wordnbass.com.
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