News & Reviews
Ross D goes old school Drum 'n' Bass on debut CD 'Musical D-lite' --
with audio
Edited Press Release
Playloop Records
recording artist and Philadelphia native Ross D
is bringing back that classic UK drum n’ bass sound of the mid-90s
golden age with his debut artist album "Musical D-lite." There are no
fads here, no bells or whistles and no sub-sub-sub genres -- this is
simply drum n’ bass at it’s purest and most beautiful.
No doubt the
thick layers of jazz and soul will take you back in time to that first
time when you first heard licks from LTJ Bukem and his classic original
Logical Progression compilation.
Comin’ atcha from such a musical place like Philly brings a historical
influence. Ross D has always been musically inclined having an
extensive music education background in drums, piano, classical guitar,
bass and overall theory. However, one thing you can’t teach is soul,
and there’s nothing better than the kind of Philly soul Ross D. deftly
infuses over the jagged beats.
'Smooth Talker' ignites the blue flame with crisp 4/4 white washes in
line with noodling guitars, flutes, organs and a sublime vocal. 'Be
There' is a builder as the looping drums provide a backdrop for the
oncoming key parts and funky mainline. 'Here I Am' is in your face with
Vegas horns popping right at you and the vocalist making it clear where
she’s at, while 'Love Child' is perhaps the album's most gorgeous track
with a flowing powdery synth line. The album builds through 'So Fine'
and 'To The Stars.'
A highlight of
the album is Ross D’s ode to Philly on '215.' This one is a celebration
and a soundtrack to a fireworks display circa 1976. It’s also one of
the more interesting arrangements with lots of cool stops and starts. Click here
for a free download of album track The 215.
'Wait Ok Go' is not what you call a love song, although it’s quite
lovely. It’s an instrumental breakup track and quite a bittersweet
tearjerker. 'Stay' is the companion to the previous track and it’s more
forceful with a driving beat, auto-tuned vocal demands and popping
horns. Give the guy one more chance. 'I Need You' brings the album full
circle both musically and thematically. This one might be the grooviest
of the lot with a to-die-for piano line.
Musical D-lite is is currently a Beatport
Exclusive and will be live on iTunes, DanceTracksDigital,
JunoDownloads.com, TrackItDown.net and more as of July 15th. The
physical CD will launch in record stores September 8, 2009. For more
information and music from Ross D check out his Myspace.
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