News & Reviews
Literary agent heavyweights form Dunow, Carlson & Lerner
Authors looking for representation always get excited when an agent changes
firms. Maybe that’s because agents on the move are often looking for new
clients. Keeping that in mind, we hear reports that a few agents recently
flew the coop. Google the agents for contact information:
Agent Betsy Lerner was named a partner at the Dunow Carlson Literary Agency
of New York City, and the firm changed its name to Dunow, Carlson & Lerner,
effective February 1. Lerner joins literary dealmakers Henry Dunow and
Jennifer Carlson, inching up the firm’s clout in the always-challenging
fiction market.
Lerner, who previously served at The Gernert Company, has kept her client
base that includes Temple Grandin and the legendary Jim Carroll, among
Sara Crowe reportedly joined New York firm Harvey Klinger Inc. as an agent on
January 31. According to Publishers Marketplace, she plans on expanding the
agency’s stable of young adult and children’s authors, which could be an
opportunity for authors in those genres. Crowe came to Harvey Klinger from
across Manhattan at Trident Media Group. She still represents certain adult
In Canada, literary agency Seventh Avenue of Vancouver, B.C., was reportedly
sold to director/agent Robert Mackwood. Agency founder Perry Goldsmith keeps
ownership of the National Speakers Bureau and Contemporary Communications,
while agent Sally Harding left to form a solo venture, The Harding Agency.
All of Harding’s clients walked with her to the new agency, according to
Publishers Marketplace.
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