News & Reviews
Serial killer targets obese in Walter Satterthwait’s 13th novel; St.
Martin’s to publish
Medical researchers say that obesity isn’t as bad for your health as we
all thought, but it’s a sure-fire trip to the morgue in Walter Satterthwait’s upcoming
novel, Perfection.
Satterthwait informed WORD’N’BASS.com that St. Martin’s Press has
bought Perfection for its winter 2006 lineup.
Perfection is a dark humor novel about a serial killer who targets
clinically obese women, said Satterthwait, who added, "The guy selects
his victims by hanging around grocery stores and observing their carts.
Too many Little Debbie Snack Cakes and they become ‘possibles‘."
Set on a fictional small barrier island off the west coast of Florida,
Perfection is told from three alternating points of view. The main
narrator is Sophia Tresgaskis, a young detective. A second narrator is
Jim Fallon, her older partner. The third -- and perhaps juiciest point
of view -- is that of the serial killer.
Perfection is Satterthwait’s 13th novel, and comes after well-known
works such as Wilde West. He
also has a short story anthology that will be published later this year
or in early 2006.
Satterthwait’s agent Peter Rubie
closed the deal with St. Martin’s. He founded The Peter Rubie Literary
Agency in New York City in 2000. The firm, which represents high
quality fiction and non-fiction, has six full-time agents and about 100
clients, most of which are experts in their field, professional
writers, or journalists.
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