News & Reviews
Three veteran agents form Folio Literary Management
There’s been a migration of uberagents over the past year as
established dealmakers decide to form their own ventures. At the latest
agency, three veterans are forming Folio Literary Management in an
effort to extract "the most value possible from their (clients’)
intellectual property."
Scott Hoffman, whose
former agency was PMA Literary and Film Management, Jeff Kleinman of Graybill &
English and Creative Media Agency founder Paige Wheeler will launch Folio
Literary Management on February 1, Hoffman told WORD‘N‘BASS.com. The
new agency has offices in New York City and Washington, D.C.
The three founding partners have been working together since the
beginning of 2006, Hoffman said. Naturally, the always-chatty book
industry started buzzing ahead of the firm’s official launch.
"Folio technically opened its doors as of the first of the year, but we
weren't planning on making an announcement until February 1," said
Hoffman. "The news leaked, however, so we’ve been responding to press
inquiries in the interim."
In addition to selling domestic and subsidiary rights, Folio will help
develop its authors’ platforms, writing and related credentials. The
firm also plans to act as a speakers’ bureau, finding venues and
audiences for its fiction and non-fiction clients.
Authors interested in pitching Folio can check the agency’s website,
which will post submission guidelines on Feb. 1, Hoffman said.
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