News & Reviews
Harry Potter 7 said to be greenest book in publishing history
Edited Press Release
The Harry Potter series has galvanized the world’s book industry into
going green, from spurring the development of 32 new ecological papers,
six for Potter exclusively, to igniting a shift where 300 publishers
have adopted environmental policies that are helping to protect
Canada’s Boreal forest among others, Vancouver-based environmental
group Markets Initiative announced.
The last book in
the Potter series, 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' and slated
for release July 21, is considered within the industry to be the most
environmentally friendly in publishing history with 16 countries
printing the book on eco-friendly paper. That is up from one publisher
in 2003, when Markets Initiative first worked with J.K. Rowling on starting the
initiative that’s since spurred hundreds of publishers and paper mills
since to turn other books green.
"When it comes to green, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is at the
top of the book pile," said Nicole
Rycroft, executive director of Markets Initiative in a press
release. "We foresee other publishers and major paper consumers being
inspired to take similar action to protect species and forests such as
Canada’s Boreal."
The English-language editions of the latest book result in a savings of
197,685 trees (an area equivalent to 2.5 times the size of New York’s
Central Park) and 7.9 million kilograms of greenhouse gases (equivalent
to taking 1,577 cars off the road). The book uses the highest standard
of eco-friendly paper for the majority of its print runs.
"The world of publishing may never see the likes of Harry Potter again,
but that doesn’t discount its importance to readers, to booksellers and
to the way publishing has melded its needs with that of the
environment," said Sarah Nelson,
Editor in Chief of Publisher's Weekly. "To think that Potter is the
largest print run in history and may have actually helped the planet."
Starting with the first Harry Potter book published on Ancient Forest
Friendly paper by one publisher -- Canada’s Raincoast Books in 2002 --
the Potter series has helped shift 300 publishers around the world to
use green papers.
"Since ‘Order of the Phoenix’ in Canada, we have seen the spread of
environmental values with other publishers and developed a number of
ecological paper products to satisfy the growing demand within the
industry," said Normand Lecours,
VP of Sales and Marketing of Cascades Fine Papers Group in Montreal,
one of the paper suppliers for the latest Harry Potter title.
Other recent book releases that used eco-friendly papers include Margaret Atwood’s ‘Blind Assassin’
and Rohinton Mistry’s ‘Family
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