News & Reviews
Hollywood producer buys ‘Juiced’ dramatic rights
In another example of how timing is everything in the book industry,
the dramatic rights for Jose Canseco’s
memoir Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant
‘Roids, Smash Hits, and How Baseball Got Big have reportedly
been sold to Hollywood producer Bob
According to the Hollywood Reporter, DeBrino, who also serves as
manager of the former Oakland A’s player, bought the rights this week
for undisclosed terms. This latest deal brings the long journey of
Canseco’s book to a profitable close.
Before the BALCO scandal implicated stars like Barry Bonds in 2004, Canseco nearly
had to self-publish his book after striking out at nearly every major
publisher. During the drug malestorm last fall, the flamboyant Judith Regan grabbed his manuscript
and made it a ReganBooks best seller this spring.
Canseco’s claims that he had injected steroids into former teammates Mark McGuire and Rafael Palmeiro effectively launched
a US Congressional hearing, which conveniently took place weeks after
the release of his memoir.
Ironically, Canseco saw his credibility rise when Palmeiro -- who
testified that he had "never used steroids, period" and vehemently
denied Canseco’s claims -- was suspended this week for violating Major
League Baseball’s steroid policy.
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