News & Reviews
Debutant Henderson breaks in novel ‘Tap Root’ at St. Martin’s --
without an agent
It’s not often a first-time novelist gets a major publisher to sign
them without a literary agent. When they do, it sets off the ‘hot book
alert’ sirens and we’ve got a feeling Susan
Henderson’s debut ‘Tap Root’ could fit the bill.
Henderson told
WORD’N’ that she recently sold Tap Root to St. Martin’s Press
Editor Regina Scarpa, with the
publisher also landing first options on any new books she writes. Tap
Root is described as a coming-of-age novel set in the 1970s about a
young girl who believes her mother has gone missing and -- after
finding her living in a secret room in their basement -- must come to
terms with their irrevocably changed relationship.
St. Martin's plans to publish Tap Root in Spring of 2008 as a young
adult/adult crossover book because the main character is nine.
Henderson also describes her work as literary in tone.
Although Tap Root marks Henderson’s debut as a novelist, she’s had
considerable background in things literary. She is the recipient of an
Academy of American Poets award and a grant from the Ludwig Vogelstein
Foundation, and her work has appeared in publications such as Zoetrope,
The Pittsburgh Quarterly, North Dakota Quarterly, Bellevue Literary
Review and South Dakota Review, among others.
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